“A few ears ago, shortly after Jen decided to move to Bali to live for a year with her two children, we sat down over a neighborly margarita while she convinced me to come visit her to co-plan a Balinese retreat. I had been leading international retreats for almost 10 years, but never had I been to Bali. Jen’s passion for the country, the people and the culture was a luminous lure for me. Of course, I said a resounding YES! We co-planned and created the retreat of a life-time have continued to go back year after year. Our continued inspiration and love for this brilliant place keeps evolving and inviting us back . We keep following the spirit of Balinese adventure, wherever she leads us. The soul of Bali infused into our retreat is one of a kind and our love and passion for this magical place is something we can hardly wait to share with you.”
Jennifer Fisher
Hello, I'm Jen: Wellness advocate, Skin care specialist, Athlete, Traveller and Founder of Vasu Skin Solutions.
Jennifer Fisher has had an extreme love and passion for Bali for over 20 years! She lived in Bali for one year while her children attended the Green School ( She owns a medical spa in Boulder Colorado (, holds an MS degree in Environmental Science and speaks conversational Indonesian.
She is an avid cyclist, mountain biker, scuba diver, runner, snowboarder and all around athlete! Jennifer has been cycling all over Bali and has been a part of the Villa Selat family (where we retreat) for years! She loves yoga but she will be the stiffest and tightest person in the class!
Jennifer lives in Boulder and has been involved with the Boulder community since 1997. Jen is the mother of two children, three dogs, one cat and tons of fish!
Sue Van Raes
Hello, I'm Sue: Functional Nutritionist, Food Psychology Specialist, Yoga Instructor, Author, Leadership mentor and Founder of Boulder Nutrition.
When we immerse into a week just for ourselves, personal break throughs happen. In our busy day-to-day lives, we often get stuck in the daily grind, pushing through and rarely seeing life in the big perspective of our health and happiness. In my experience, international retreats give us a chance to get out of our day-to-day perspectives to see things a little differently, learn new practices that serve our higher good, and take a much needed break to unwind, restore and tap back into our true nature and wisdom.
Bali is a magical place to retreat, explore, and take time to come home to ourselves. Exploring the world through travel, cycling, snorkeling, trekking and cultural immersion is my biggest passion.
I have led over 12 international retreats and many others locally and in my community. Each time we venture on retreat, beautiful things happen, both internally in how we emerge more resourced, rested and clear and in the beautiful relationships we form with others on a similar quest.
Sue lives in Bouder CO, where she founded her Boulder Nutrition in 2003. She is a mother of 2 boys, 2 cats, and many creative projects and travel adventures.